Can I take private lessons at Stillwater?
YES! Stillwater offers private music lessons for all ages and levels on almost any musical instrument. We also teach voice lessons. Our private teaching studios are bustling in the afternoons and evenings most weekdays where you’ll find our instructors teaching sight reading, music theory, and any style of music in an up-to-date, contemporary method. Learn more.
How is Stillwater related to Katzin?
In 2018, Katzin Studios approached Stillwater Music about a possible merger. Stillwater Music was elated to have the opportunity to purchase Katzin Studios and the merger was seamlessly executed in April of 2018.
Do you have to audition for Stillwater bands?
Some of our bands require instructor placement and/or approval.
Do you have private lessons for adults?
Yes! Stillwater offers private music lessons for all ages and levels on almost any musical instrument. Learn more.